Digital Natives VS Digital Immigrants
Digital Natives refers to the generation that grew up in the Internet age. Marc Prensky, a famous expert in educational games, first introduced the concepts of Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants in 2001, calling the generation that grew up in the Internet age "Digital Natives". Those who grew up in the Internet age are called "Digital Natives".
What is Digital Native? WHO are them?
-They are generally more comfortable and adept at using digital tools and navigating digital environments compared to older generations who adopted technology later in life.
Digital natives are considered to have a natural affinity for technology because they grew up in a digital world. However, it is important to note that not every young person automatically qualifies as a digital native based on age alone. Factors such as physical exposure and familiarity with digital technologies play an important role in defining this group.
Introduce of digital native
Digital Immigrants
Digital Immigrant, a group of people who were introduced to digital products after they grew up and have a certain degree of inability to use them fluently.
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