Using Critical Digital Literacy Skills to Evaluate Online Information Related to the Internet Safety Topic of Audio Deep Fakes

Hi Bloggies,

Have you ever heard of Alexa or Siri?   

Have you ever seen a self-driving car?

Have you ever wondered how the iPhone’s face recognition works? 

All of these technologies have something in common: they use artificial intelligence, or “AI.”

 W H A T   I S   A U D I O   D E E  P   F A K E ?

So, a voice deep-fake is an artificial intelligence technique that aims to create a voice model capable of replicating an actual person’s voice (Source)

And because these deepfakes can mimic anyone's voice, there are serious risks involved such as fraud, disinformation, and impersonation. (Source)

W H Y   I S   I T   A N   I S S U E ?

One of the most concerning impacts of deepfake audio on society is its ability to spread misinformation. As technology advances, it is getting harder to discern between real and manipulated audio recordings. 

Deepfake audio can be used to create fake speeches or statements that sound authentic, tricking people into believing they are true. This can have dangerous repercussions, as it erodes confidence in trustworthy sources of information and causes confusion among the general public 

The widespread distribution of deepfake audio threatens our society's capacity to distinguish fact from deception and further erodes public confidence in media outlets.

W H O   I S   A F F E C T E D   B Y   T H I S   
I S S U E ?

Many different people and organizations are impacted by the problem of deepfake audio, including public figures like politicians and celebrities who could be impersonated for malicious purposes. 

We can take some examples like impersonating Taylor Swift's voice to invite tickets to a concert or making virtual calls from famous people

 H O W   D O E S   I T   O C C U R ?

Deepfake audio is created by using advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques. AI models are developed using an extensive collection of the target person's voice recordings throughout the procedure (source)

E V A L U A T I O N   O F   M Y 

The article I have chosen to evaluate using one of the main critical digital literacies evaluation

The TRAAP method, which stands for Timeliness, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose, is a useful tool for evaluating the credibility and reliability of information.

